Saturday, January 30, 2016

Red lipstick pout! Love that bright red color. Sexy eye makeup to go along with those luscious lips. 
Lucious lashes and hot pink lips. Lovin' the lipstick pout to really show off her luscious pink lips. 
Another sexy smokey eye and luscious red lipstick look

Friday, January 29, 2016

Shaaanxo wearing my favorite...smokey eyes and red lipstick. So sexy. Killer luscious lashes too!
Hey, that's too much makeup for a librarian...hehe
Such a sexy eye makeup look and beautiful luscious red lipstick. 
Again, I'm a sucker for girls wearing heavy makeup in sweatshirts. So sexy. 
Love Demi's eye makeup and luscious dark lipstick. Her porcelain skin really makes her sexy makeup stand out. 
I love Karissa's eye makeup here. Beautiful. With that luscious coral lipstick and lace top, she's sexy as all hell. 

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Beautiful luscious blue lipstick 

One of favorite eye makeup looks I have ever seen. Stunning. And sexy luscious red lipstick to top it off! I'm telling you girls, dark eyes and dark lips are sexy! Don't go for one or other. 
If this girl wore this look in the club, I'd be all over her. 
A full face of heavy makeup and a t-shirt? Yes please!
Love this Taylor Swift look.
Her eye makeup is amazing and she's not afraid to put on her signature Taylor Swift luscious red lipstick. 
I love this makeup look.
Lauren Curtis is a beauty with this smokey eye and red lip.
My favorite makeup look.
No makeup look is sexier than a smokey eye and red lip

Whenever I see a full face of makeup and a pair of beautiful red lips open wide, I know it's time!
Sex with Makeup. The only way. 
That eyeliner on fleek! So gorgeous.
Contouring and beautiful purple lipstick on point too
I'll obsessed with this contouring. The cut-crease eyeliner and eyebrows are also stunning. 

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Here we go, a beauty
Jaclyn Hill with her dark lips
Again, perfect makeup 

Jaclyn Hill, my love
Gorgeous and makeup is perfect is usual.
There is nothing I love more than seeing women with a full face of makeup and a hoodie. It shows a true passion for the craft of makeup. I do wish she was wearing a dark lip though. I'll share another with her beautiful luscious dark lips in a second!
So sexy
Killer Lashes!
Lovin' that lipstick color too
Lovin' that eye makeup 
Love that she's not afraid to pair it with red lipstick
So sexy